Summary of “Evolution and the origin of races”

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Summary of “Evolution and the origin of races”

Summary of “Evolution and the origin of races”
The article Evolution and the Origin of Races by Eugenie Scott offers an overview of the
divergent views that exist between the majority of the scientific community which accepts the
theory of evolution of all life forms including humans and those known as “scientific
creationists” who have emerged to challenge the overwhelming evidence that lends legitimacy to
the this scientific consensus. In the first paragraph Scott explains that according to scientific
creationists all animals, humans, and plants were created in their unchanged present form
between 6000-20,000 years ago. Scientific creationists discard evidence opposing their views by
referring to them as hoaxes and fabrications of unscrupulous evolutionary scientists. Moreover,
they categorize fossils that prove links between homo sapiens and their ancestors as “just apes”
or “true humans.” In the next two paragraphs Scott discusses two case studies of hoaxes. The
first hoax the discovery of an alleged missing link known as the Piltdown Man. Over the years
the scientific community rejected the finding as a hoax. The second hoax known as the “Paluxy
River Man Tracks” were perpetrated by scientific creationists as false evidence for the
coexistence of dinosaurs and humans.
Comments: The education system of any society owes it to its citizens to transmit information
that is grounded in evidence especially when in subjects that are based on ascertaining an
objective truth such as the natural sciences. Adopting pseudo-science in the curriculum as
advocated by scientific creationists imperils the exercise of learning because it cheats students
from attaining important knowledge that is fundamental to a proper understanding of other
subjects. There is definitely room for learning mythological creation stories in the curriculum