Technology in the Classroom

Achieving the Vision and Budgeting
December 30, 2022
Describe what is literally happening in the chosen passage
December 30, 2022

Technology in the Classroom


Please read the article provided down below about the impact of sexism when it comes to what gender gets true access to technology as well as what gender gets slammed with technology then write up your response about it in general ( you do not need to reference anything of it) just talk about it briefly.

the name of the article is “Technology in the Classroom”

Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education:2017 National Education Technology Plan UpdateJANUARY 2017U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION



Since early 1980s, technology was introduced into educational setting, more and more teachers and researchers have been learning to use it as a powerful tool benefit learning experience for students. However, although it may enhance student learning on a number of levels, it may introduce certain types of bias for students, like boys tend to have more prior experience than girls, male teachers tend to use technology more than female teachers, stereotyped course materials, etc. teachers need to be aware of the fact that female students tend to avoid computer usage more than male students (Strauss et al, 1988.) This requires teachers may need to give more attention to female students to make certain that they have the same easy access to technology as male students to realize educational equity. Access to computers and experience with using technology play a large role in the interest of women to go on in technology-related fields in higher education. This places female students at a disadvantage in school and workplace. Educators should make sure that underrepresented groups have access to computers, to require all students to be computer literate—not just those expressing interest, that they be aware of any implicit biases they may be holding about women in technology, and that they help foster self-confidence especially in female students.


There were several points I found interesting in this very in-depth article. The first doesn’t have to do with sexism directly, but I think it can shine light on how it can be a severe detriment towards girls in education. That point is just about how important technology is and is continuing to become in the classroom setting. This article was written in 2006, and we’ve continued to see the proliferation of computers and tablets as tools to education as the years have gone by. This just goes to show how important they are, and how sexism can be such a huge problem with regards to technology.

The article mentions the many reasons and examples of how sexism exists in the education system, like we’ve learned about a lot so far, and how technology was a way that educators hoped would bring equality to the classroom, but so far (at least when this was written) it’s become just another way that sexism occurs. With the increase in technology, gender bias had actually increased in each of the three major categories the author gave: teachers, students, and materials. I would be very interested to see how technology effects gender bias now, because since 2006 technology is even more important and widespread. For example, my high school had begun to introduce laptops and smartboards for use in classrooms, did those introduce or at least continue to worsen gender biases in the classroom? I would also be interested to see the effects COVID-19 has had on gender bias with technology, as it only drove schools more towards computers and the internet.