The antagonist in a story is the character or force that opposes the protagonist. Whom or what would you identify as the antagonist in this story, and why? Mr. Abner Snopes, the father.

Describe the conflict in “A White Heron.” How is the conflicted resolved, and what does that tell us about the purpose of the story?
August 3, 2019
His burning of Harris’ barn
August 3, 2019

The antagonist in a story is the character or force that opposes the protagonist. Whom or what would you identify as the antagonist in this story, and why? Mr. Abner Snopes, the father.

Question Description

Respond to at least two classmates’ posts by the end of the workshop making sure that you either find a portion of each classmate’s initial post with which you disagree (explaining why you disagree and offering evidence) or to which you can add a new insight (that neither your classmate nor you have already posted).


  1. The protagonist of a story is a character who undergoes a significant change or who symbolizes something significant in a story that is vital to the theme. If more than one character changes, the one who changes the most (the most dynamic character) is usually the protagonist. Which character would you identify as the protagonist of this story? Colonel Satoris Snopes
  2. Identify one thing that you think the character you identified as the protagonist hopes for. He wants peace, joy and for his dad to turn away from crime.
  3. How does the character you identified as the protagonist change, or what do you think the character symbolizes? At the beginning of the story, he is sad, fearful, and full of grief. At the end, the death of his father finally will bring peace, joy at some point and freedom.
  4. The antagonist in a story is the character or force that opposes the protagonist. Whom or what would you identify as the antagonist in this story, and why? Mr. Abner Snopes, the father.
  5. Identify one biblical allusion in the story and explain what you think the significance of the allusion is.At the beginning, when they called Satoris to testify, he walked up the aisle and on either side men lined up. At the end of the line, he saw the Justice sitting there and knew he was a man of power to make a judgment for or against his father. The allusion is toward judgment day and facing God for our judgment.
  6. Do you think Faulkner wants the reader to admire or dislike the protagonist? Explain your reasoning. I think he wants the reader to admire Satoris. It is because he wants to tell and do the right thing. At the end of the story, he stayed loyal not to his criminal father, but to what was the right thing to do.
  7. What does Faulkner’s attitude toward religion seem to be (as expressed through this story)? Support your answer with specific reference to the text. Faulkner’s attitude toward religion seems to be in favor of religion and doing the right thing. In the story, the young boy Satoris struggled with lying for his father. He ended up warning Major de Spain about the barn his father was going to set aflame.
  8. Choose a male character and a female character and explain how Faulkner portrays the relationship between them. Abner and Lennie Snopes, husband and wife. The husband treats her indifferently and somewhat abusive. He has no respect for her in actions or words. Lennie Snoops is a subservient wife that does what her husband tells her to do.
  9. In question 2, you identified what the protagonist hopes for. Compare the character’s hopes to the biblical worldview. Does the bible support or condemn what the protagonist hopes for? Support your answer with at least one quote from the Bible and explain how the scripture applies.The bible supports what he wants. Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous and but terror to evildoers.”
  10. At the beginning of the story, does Harris receive justice for his burned barn? Explain your answer. Mr. Harris receives no justice for his burned barn. They cannot prove Mr. Snopes burned the barn, so they dismissed the case. They told Mr. Snopes to leave the county.
  11. Does de Spain receive justice for his carpet? Explain your answer. In the end, he does receive some justice. They found in his favor, but he took a loss because they only gave him $5.00 worth of compensation.
  12. Does Abner receive justice from the court? Explain your answer. Abner received more justice than he should have in both courts. The first time, they could not prove he burned the barn and made him leave the county instead. The second time, he had to pay back only 10 bushels of corn instead of the original price.
  13. Does Sarty receive justice? Explain your answer. Sarty received justice by doing the right thing in the end. But, it cost him the life of his father. But, his family and him gained their freedom.
  14. Based on the previous four answers, what do you think Faulkner’s overall message is about justice? That no matter what happens; justice will be paid in the end one way or another.
  15. Why do you think Faulkner places the court inside a store, and how does this contribute to the message you identified in the previous question? In those days, many towns did not have courts. They held court in a location big enough to hold everyone. A store is where someone pays for goods to live life. Justice is paid at different prices.
  16. What kind of peace is Sarty hoping for, and what kind does he actually find? Sarty looks for peace through doing the right things and no criminal elements. The kind he finds is at a very high cost; his father’s life.
  17. What kind of peace is Abner hoping for, and what kind does he actually find? He looks for vengeance and instead found death.
  18. What kind of peace is Sarty’s mother looking for? Live a peaceful life without bothering others.
  19. Based on the answers to the previous three questions, what do you think Faulkner’s overall message is about peace? Peace comes in different forms, and most times it comes at a hard price.
  20. Write a thesis statement for this story using the following format: “In William Faulkner’s short story “Barn Burning,” he uses (specific literary device) and (specific literary device) to show that (specific universal truth). “In William Faulkner’s short story “Barn Burning,” he uses symbolism and imagery to show that justice will eventually come for those who commit crimes; sometimes at a high price.
  21. Find a quote from the story and explain how it can be used to support your thesis statement.


  1. I would say that Sarty is the protagonist of the story.
  2. Sarty hopes for justice.
  3. I think that from the beginning of the story, Sarty has changed. He has a better sense of right and wrong and by the end of the story Sarty was willing to betray his father in order to warn de Spain of his father planning to burn down his barn. I think Sarty symbolizes justice.
  4. I would identify Sarty’s father Abner as the antagonist in this story because Abner is mean and deceptive and a liar. He causes trouble throughout the whole story.
  5. A biblical allusion that Faulkner may have intended is the similarity of Abner in the Old Testament and Abner Snopes in the story. Both of the men are deceptive and cause destruction and danger.
  6. I think the Faulkner wants to reader to admire the protagonist, Sarty. He shows the innocence of a child who is trying to discern from right and wrong.
  7. I would say that based on the theme of justice in the story, Faulkner has a complicated view about religion. I feel that there are many forms and perspectives of justice identified throughout the story.
  8. I choose the relationship between Sarty’s father and mother. I feel that the mother and father do not have a good relationship. Abner is very controlling and bosses the mother around. Abner is selfish and does not think about his wife. His wife seems to tell Abner her thoughts and tries to put an opinion in, however Abner shuts her down. Like the time she wanted to go help Sarty after he was hit, and Abner said that she couldn’t.
  9. The bible does support what Sarty seems to hope for. The bible talks about justice and how we need to seek out justice. Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; please the case of the widow.” We need to seek out justice and we need to help people.
  10. I would say that at the beginning of the story, Harris does not receive some justice for his burned barn, however, I think there could have been more received. Abner was let go because they did not have proof that he was the one who burnt down the barn.
  11. I do not think de Spain receives justice for his carpet. The carpet is ruined and Abner does not repay him.
  12. I would say that Abner does receive justice from the court. The court could not find Abner guilty of burning down the barn, and for that Abner was let go. Although Abner was the one who did burn the barn, the court system could not find the evidence, thus letting him go.
  13. Sarty does not receive justice.
  14. I think that Faulkner’s message about justice is that it is complicated and many systems that one would think there should be justice—it is warped and not justice at all. I think the he is trying to point out that we have different perspectives on justice.
  15. I think that Faulkner places the court inside a store because it is a public place. It allows the public to be able to listen to the court and gain a perspective on the way the Justice of Peace handles situations.
  16. The peace that I think Sarty is looking for is that his father would change and stop causing so much trouble. Sarty gives up that hope and runs away, finding peace away from his father.
  17. The peace Abner is looking for is the security of money, power and control.
  18. I think the Sarty’s mother is looking for peace within her family and husband. It seems as if she doesn’t want to cause trouble and wants to be able to have stability within her family and surroundings.
  19. I think that Faulkner’s overall message of peace, is that we all have different views and ideas of peace within our lives.
  20. In William Faulkner’s short story, “Barn Burning,” he uses biblical allusion and characterization to show that justice is an important part of life and that choices affect others.
  21. “This case is closed. I cant find against you, Snopes, but I can give you advice. Leave this country and don’t come back.” The Justice of Peace cannot find hard evidence to legally say that Abner set Mr. Harris’ barn on fire, however he warns him to leave the country.