The Art of Metacommentary

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January 3, 2023

The Art of Metacommentary


PREPARE. Before you begin this DEJ, read all feedback and grammar advice noted on past assignments in Grade Link. Please apply feedback to this and subsequent assignments, so your writing progresses, becoming more effective and scholarly. Optimal points granted when proper edits, revision, and writing tips/strategies are applied.

Compose a DEJ on ACT III

MLA format

Use present tense when discussing literature

Avoid using second person (at all times).

INSTRUCTIONS: Cut/paste the following instructions and respond below each respective section.

I. In one paragraph, summarize ACT III Scene III in your own words, no quotations or personal opinions in this section. Please reread Module on plagiarism. (10 points)

II. Using various metacommentary templates, integrate at least 4 quotes, one from Scene 1, Scene II, Scene III, and Scene IV that show how Othello is being manipulated. *This requires critical thinking, so be sure to use metacommentary to make connections to each claim. You should end up with 4 separate mini paragraphs (2-4 sentences). Reread “The Art of Metacommentary” and integrate all quotes. Stand alone quotes will be discounted. Study Module: How to cite (Shakespeare) plays (20 points)

III. Select ONE of your integrated quotes and discuss it in your response section. Be sure to connect with the quote. For example, you can share an experience you or a friend has had with a jealous, or manipulative, or deceitful, or… partner. Talk about it. Are you (or a friend) an Othello? A Iago? or a Desdemona? (10 points)

IV. Pose your critical question(s). The question must be critical, dig deep here. (10 points)

Type your DEJ and upload here. Section the DEJ using the box template or copy/paste the I – IV section questions and respond accordingly.