The Handmaid’s Tale

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The Handmaid’s Tale

Question Description

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Choose one of the 5 topics below on which to write a formal literary essay on The Handmaid’s Tale. Submit a typed, double-spaced rough draft of the introductory paragraph of your formal literary essay. Below your paragraph, provide a point-form outline of the body paragraphs.

Include in your introduction:
– the title of the novel, italicized
– author’s first and last name
– brief summary of the novel that “leans into” your topic and defines key concepts
– thesis
– organizing principle

Topic 1: Language: It might be said that the fortunes of a state rise and fall with its use (and abuse) of language. Discuss in relation to the Republic of Gilead, on both the political and personal levels.

Topic 2: Character: Demonstrate how in this novel many of humanity’s most admirable qualities suffer from perversion or distortion and comment on the significance of this characterization.

Topic 3: Narrator: The tone of the novel has been described as chilling, yet not without personality and even humour. Discuss how Offred’s reconstruction indicates how she negotiates the world of Gilead.

Topic 4: Imagery & Allusion: Discuss how recurrent motifs or patterns give the story coherence and unity.

Topic 5: Setting: Gilead is a world of violence, both explicit and implicit. Demonstrate the significance of both levels.