The Holy Roman Empire was a weak and divided state because

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The Holy Roman Empire was a weak and divided state because

HIEU 201 Liberty University Chapter 10 Quiz

1. The three-field system

2. By the thirteenth century, Italian towns

3. Medieval guilds

4. William the Conqueror created

5. King John’s costly war with ______ led to the Magna Carta

6. Representative institutions grew out of

7. The reform movement in the church in the tenth and eleventh centuries

8. The Investiture Controversy centered on the right to

9. The church addressed the perceived threat of heresy through

10. The Cathari were a

11. The authority and prestige of the papacy reached its height under Innocent III, partly because he

12. Which of the following barred the Jews from public office and required them to wear a distinguishing badge on their clothing?

13. Europe experienced a revival of trade and commerce by the eleventh century that stemmed in part from

14. In medieval towns

15. A primary difference between political developments in England and in France was that

16. The Holy Roman Empire was a weak and divided state because

17. which of the following was NOT one of the seven sacraments of the medieval church?

18. which of the following contributed to anti-Jewish feeling during the Middle Ages?

19. The Crusades can be described as all of the following EXCEPT

20. The Franciscans and the Dominicans were