The Learning Principles Learned in class to real life events

A written summary of a professional social science journal article
January 3, 2023
Ten most critical moments of the Cold War
January 3, 2023

The Learning Principles Learned in class to real life events


The purpose of this assignment is to get you to apply some of the learning principles learned in class to real life events.
For the examples or questions below, provide a description of the technique/principle. You will be submitting a total of six questions for this assignment.

Each answer should be approximately 1 page long, double-spaced (up to 2 pages). Provide original examples to help clarify definitions or concepts. If you use outside references (which you should) include them on a separate reference section sheet (as well as referencing them in your answer).

Each assignment needs to be submitted in the Dropbox as a Word .doc file. REPEAT it MUST be a .doc (or .doc variant like .docx) file or it will not be accepted.

Late penalty: 20% each day it is late – the 20% begins one minute after the due date time at midnight. No exceptions.

Assignments will be marked on the basis of:

  • Completeness: Have all the questions been answered? Is it well written?
  • Comprehension: Have you demonstrated an understanding of the techniques? Important: Put in your own words!
  • Originality: Are the examples/solutions interesting and well presented?
  • Details: Have you given a complete explanation or a vague one? Things like CS, US, CR, UR should be referred to when appropriate.
  • References: Have you used references (APA format) when necessary?

Each question will be out of 10 points. Here is what certain scores mean:

6/10 Most basic points are there but no examples or applications or thoughts beyond what is directly in the text. Some minor points may be missing.

7/10 All points, major and minor, are included in the answer.

8/10 All points are included in the answer and there is some original contribution.

9-10/10 Not only is the question answered but the student also makes the effort to take it beyond the text and ties in materials from elsewhere.


  1. The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is the federal agency that is responsible for ensuring that animals used for science are cared for and treated ethically. I want you to summarize (in your own words) the main principles and guidelines that this organization instructs schools to follow when using animals for teaching and/or research. The difficult aspect of this task is to summarize this in a page, so you will have to be concise and focus on the most important principles/guidelines. After the summary, I want you to pick one of the guidelines that you, in your opinion, feel is most important and explain why you picked that one. I also want you to suggest one thing that could be added to the guidelines and why you feel that.
  2. Biological preparedness is the idea that some (conditioned) stimuli can be more easily (or less easily) associated with other (unconditioned) stimuli. In the textbook, they give an example of how taste (CS) is more easily conditioned to an illness (US) in rats but in pigeons a visual stimulus (CS) is more easily associated with an illness. Find two examples of biological preparedness that are NOT in the textbook and give a complete explanation as to why it makes evolutionary (or biological) sense that the animal is more (or less) prepared to make the association between those two stimuli. It needs to involve learning and can’t just be an innate behaviour (like human preference for sweet flavours).
  3. We often want to change the behaviour in our children.
    a. If your 4-year-old hates eating vegetables, how would you use the four types of operant conditioning (four types of contingencies) to increase the behaviour of vegetable eating or decrease the behaviour of throwing a fit whenever they have to eat their vegetables?
    b. Find a book that gives advice on how to get your child to behave and see what their advice would be (pick one example from the book, assuming it has a lot of different strategies) and explain if it fits into the idea of operant conditioning or, if it doesn’t, explain why not.
  4. Equivalence-based training (box 9.2) has had some success in classrooms. I want you to first explain (using some of the theories, scientific terms, or ideas learned in this course) why this training might be an effective learning method. Then, I want you to pick one of the concepts from this course and explain how you would use equivalence-based training to get students to learn the concept. The more detail the better (i.e., show me an example).
  5. In real-life it might not be practical or ethical to perform a functional analysis on someone’s behaviour but for this hypothetical example let us pretend ethics, money, and time are not a concern. For this example, someone has a video-game addiction that is ruining their life. It means they are spending too much money on this recreation, they have alienated themselves from friends and family, and they are at risk of losing their job because of the time spent gaming. I need you to brainstorm all of the possible reasons the behaviour is reinforced and devise a way to do a functional analysis to see which one of these reinforcements is the key one.
  6. Speeding-tickets given out by an officer positioned at the side of the road are not a particularly effective punishment to deter speeding. Explain (using the principles from the textbook) why this is so. Using the ideas of “what makes an effective punishment”, devise a new system to deter speeding. You have unlimited funds and can use any technology or system you want. Also, in this hypothetical example, you can impinge on people’s rights – as long as your system doesn’t kill or permanently injury anyone.

****The textbook used for this course is “Learning and Behaviour” by James. E. Mazur. Here is a link.…

Please use external sources as required and please provide all references accordingly.

I thank whomever can help me in my time of need.