The observations of Marco Polo in his famous journey East

Explain the rise of slavery in the Chesapeake, and the effect of Bacon’s rebellion on slavery.
August 24, 2019
Evaluate the extent to which response to foreign domination changed between c. 1750 and c. 1900 in the following: China and Japan.
August 24, 2019

The observations of Marco Polo in his famous journey East

Question Description

Submit your Rough Draft. The rough draft should include as much of the completed paper as possible. All citations within the rough draft must be in Chicago-style footnotes with a bibliography on the final page.

For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Document and the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubricdocument.

The Topic I choose is The observations of Marco Polo in his famous journey East

Remember to review the rubric, so you have all the required ingredients:

  • Thesis statement in the introduction and the conclusion (both are in the rubric)
  • Many pages of material answering the primary prompt and representing both East and West
  • Proper use of footnotes touching on both secondary (ideally academic) and primary (historical) sources
  • Analysis and proper grammar