The Tyranny of Custom

December 31, 2022
Do you have a career? What is a career?
December 31, 2022

The Tyranny of Custom


Purpose: On page 50, Bertrand Russell writes “Thus, to a great extent, the uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than real: those questions which are already capable of definite answers are placed in the sciences, while those only to which, at present, no definite answer can be given, remain to form the residue which is called philosophy.” Later, on page 51, he writes “Philosophy, though unable to tell us with certainty what is the true answer to the doubts which it raises, is able to suggest many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from the tyranny of custom.” What does Russell mean when he claims that the uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than real? Moreover, how do you make sense of his statement that philosophy helps us break free of the “tyranny of custom”?

In this essay, you are asked to provide a clear account of the tension between philosophy’s merely apparent uncertainty and what Russell claims philosophy can do. How do we make sense of this apparent contradiction in Russell’s definition of philosophy? Answer your question using no fewer than three (4) textual references from Russell’s essay.After answering the question of what philosophy can do according to Russell, explore his idea of the tyranny of custom. Provide a clear account of what Russell means by the tyranny of custom. Then, provide at least two examples of how the tyranny of custom arises in your life.

This assignment requires you to use close reading skills along with careful and clear presentation of an idea supported by evidence from the assigned texts. This aligns with the following course objectives:

“Analyze significant primary texts and works of art, pre-modern, and modern, as forms of cultural and creative expressions.”

“Frame a comparative context through which they can critically assess the ideas, forces, and values that have created the modern world.”

“Practice the critical and analytical methodologies of the Humanities.”

Task: The task is to explain the tension in Russell’s account of the value of philosophy and explain the idea of the tyranny of custom along with your own examples.

Here are the recommended steps:

  1. Reread your notes and/or the primary texts to be used (Russell).
  2. Develop a clear account of Russell’s view of what philosophy does.
  3. Summarize how Russell explains the value of philosophy.
  4. Draft a clear and concise introduction to your essay including a thesis statement that responds to the question of how Russell finds value in philosophy AND your understanding of the tyranny of custom.
  5. Take the summaries from steps 2 and 3 above and write them into complete paragraphs.
  6. Consider Russell’s idea of the tyranny of custom: develop a clear and original understanding.
  7. Write a paragraph stating your answer to step 6.
  8. Brainstorm examples of the tyranny of custom from your life and experience that meet the definition provided in step 7.
  9. Write a paragraph clearly starting your examples from step 8 along with an account of the tyranny of custom.
  10. Write a conclusion to the entire essay that restates the answer to how Russell defines the value of philosophy and how that relates to your examples of the tyranny of custom.
  11. Reread, edit, and correct your draft—I recommend that you print the draft and edit it with pen in hand. I also suggest that you have a friend read the essay before you submit the final essay.
  12. Sit back, relax, and revel in your philosophical greatness!

Text Info: Philosophy: The Quest for Truth ISBN: 9780190945671 Edition: 11th