Think about how other works that you have read conceptualize the divine world. How does the Popol Vuh compare to those views?

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Think about how other works that you have read conceptualize the divine world. How does the Popol Vuh compare to those views?

Question Description

Answer the following questions based on Popol Vuh in your textbook, World Literature I Part Three, on pp. 48-75. (You will click on a link provided within your textbook to access the selection.) Your responses for each question should be 150 words or more each.

1. In much Western culture, human beings are set above the animal and natural world. What is the Mayan attitude toward animals and the natural world?

2. Think about how other works that you have read conceptualize the divine world. How does the Popol Vuh compare to those views?

3. What values/beliefs do you think the Maya incorporated into their creation myth?