To what extent can you make an (evidence-based) argument for a thesis? 

Write an essay comparing and contrasting Judaism, Christianity and Islamic thought
July 27, 2019
Identify your character and describe their personality, using quotations or direct reference to incidents in the novel to substantiate your claims about the character.
July 27, 2019

To what extent can you make an (evidence-based) argument for a thesis? 

Question Description

  1. answer three questions in essay format
  2. each essay should have 500-1000 words based of readings
  3. essays need to include how well are you able to explain the relevant course material? (Very important
  4. To what extent can you make an (evidence-based) argument for a thesis? (Very important)
  5. To what extent do your paper’s structure (e.g. intro/body paragraphs/conclusion) and language (e.g. grammar, style) make it easy for a reader to follow? (Important to the extent that they impact the two criteria above)

i want it to have details and examples