Types of personal protective equipment PPE

Key Components of Health Care Utilization Healthcare
January 14, 2023
Epidemiology: Ebola as a Communicable Disease
January 14, 2023

Types of personal protective equipment PPE

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      • One way to manage an outbreak during an investigation is to require personal protective equipment (PPE) so that infectious diseases won’t spread. Types of PPE include masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, protective gowns, goggles, face shields, head covers, shoe covers, etc. One of the most common types of PPE is masks. Masks prevent a person from inhaling infectious droplets that may be in the air, and masks also prevent people from placing infectious droplets into the air through coughing, sneezing, spitting, etc. Many people think that wearing PPE is an infringement on their personal rights, but managing an outbreak is not primarily about personal preference but is most about containing the disease or preventing its spread. When people can understand that PPE is not primarily about individual preferences, we are then able to work as a team to defeat disease inside and outside medical facilities.