Understanding And Promoting Children’s Development.

Assessment Strategies for Child Observation Study
June 17, 2022
Analyse the working practices that need to be in place in the nursery setting to ensure that children are protected.
June 17, 2022

Understanding And Promoting Children’s Development.

A child’s development usually follows an expected patten, although children do develop at different rates but this usually follows a pattern. There are five key areas to keep in mind when working with children to help and identify if a child requires additional support. Keeping in mind development in a holistic way (the whole rather than parts of something).


Physical Development

This looks at a child’s physical movement but is divided into key parts.

  • Gross motor skills:- Theses include jumping, hopping, skipping etc. and are more large limb movements.
  • Fine motor skills:- Which include writing, painting, threading etc. these are more precise movements.
  • Locomotive skills:- these include running, walking, balancing these are full body movements.

Cognitive Development

This is usually the way a child develops in their brain process. How a child uses skills in different ways. Creative and imaginative skills problem solving, using language to explain reasoning.

Communication Development

This looks at how a child communicates with someone, e.g. language to explain reading, writing and describing events. There are also non-verbal ways to communicate such as sign language.

Social And Emotional Development

This looks at feelings, self-esteem, self-expression and learning about others feelings this also covers a child’s understanding on behaviour and what is acceptable e.g. taking turns, co-operating with others and feeding one-self.

Moral Development

This is linked to social and emotional development and covers choices and decisions e.g. Not always going first in the line and letting someone else this also covers behaviour and attitudes towards others e.g. saying sorry even if its not their fault but knowing that it may make someone feel a little better.

  1. Climbing the ladder of a slide Physical, cognitive
  2. Playing football in a team Physical, cognitive, communication, social and emotional and moral.
  3. Using a pencil to write their name and draw a picture Physical, Cognitive, Communication, Social and Emotional development.
  4. Using a knife and fork to eat a meal Physical, Cognitive, Social and Emotional.