Was ancient Mesopotamia and gendered society?

Flaws of Gilgamesh and explain what impact they have on his life and others around him.
July 30, 2019
Compare and contrast two characters, themes, or aspects from Beowulf and the Epic of Gilgamesh.
July 30, 2019

Was ancient Mesopotamia and gendered society?

Take-Home Assignment for the Goddesses and Mortals in The Epic of Gilgamesh The story takes place in Ancient Mesopotamia where one of the earliest civilizations arose. Mesopotamia is today modern Iraq. NO EXUSES/NO EXTENSIONS The essay should begin with a short summary of the Epic. Students should rely on their notes for the summary. Next, students should identify each of the women including the goddesses and the mortal women and describe the roles that they played in society. Answer the following questions: Do the women act autonomously? Do they have power? Support your statements about the women by quoting from the passages we read together in class. Demonstrate that you underlined the relevant passages about women and that you can use these passages in your assessments of the women. In the conclusion, students should answer one of the following the questions: What does this story tell us about the role of women in the founding of civilization? Was ancient Mesopotamia and gendered society? How do the role and treatment of women in ancient Mesopotamia compare to what we learned about the Greek treatment of women. Students who want to know more about ancient Mesopotamia or about the Epic of Gilgamesh can consult an outside source. The source must be cited on the last line of the assignment. Failure to cite the source will be considered plagiarism and result in an F for the assignment.