Exploring Needs and Interests Negotiation and Problem Solving

Synthesis of Articles
July 14, 2020
What ethical issues arise from this investigative practice?
July 15, 2020

Exploring Needs and Interests Negotiation and Problem Solving

In your post describe how you would work with one of the cases providing mediation. Utilizing your course materials and readings from this week highlight areas of interest that you would explore with the parties in conflict. Include open-ended questions that you would apply to each part within the conflict. As you conceptualize your approach to mediation be mindful of the stages within the mediation process: Orientation Issue Definition Exploring Needs and Interests Negotiation and Problem Solving.
University Roommates
Fred and Tom are roommates. They are constantly quarrelling about sleeping hours laptop use Tshirt borrowing and smelly laundry left untidily about the room. Fred complains that Toms girlfriend is always there and he has no privacy. The RA advised them to go to you two for mediation.