What are the first five books of the Bible called in Christianity/Judaism?

Which passage from another epic in this Unit best expresses similar themes of fate and destiny?
July 31, 2019
After reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet, discuss how it connects to three works we have read this semester.
July 31, 2019

What are the first five books of the Bible called in Christianity/Judaism?

Question Description

Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer

1) What are the first five books of the Bible called in Christianity/Judaism?

a) Pentateuch  b) Koran  c) Old Testament  d) the New Testament

2) What is the name of the Jewish scripture?

a) Torah  b) Koran  c) Old Testament  d) the New Testament

3) From what tree are Adam and Eve not allowed to eat?

a) Tree of Life  b) Tree of Hope  c) Tree of Truth  d) Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

4) What does God place at the gate of Eden after he exiled Adam and Eve?

a) a lock  b) a cherubim  c) a wall  d) a serpent  e) a seraphim

5) What constantly moving object points in the direction of Eden?

a) a compass  b) an arrow  c) a sword  d) a pen  e) a  star

6) What does Cain offer to the Lord?

a) the firstling of his flock  b) corn  c) fruits of the earth  d) nothing

7) What does Abel offer to the Lord?

a) the firstling of his flock  b) corn  c) fruits of the earth  d) nothing

8) What curse does God place on Cain for killing his brother?

a) to wander forever  b) to go to hell  c) to be swallowed into the earth  d) to be haunted by his brother

9) Why will no one hurt Cain if they see him?

a) because he cannot die  b) because he is a murderer  c) because he bears a mark  d) they will hurt him

10) In the story of The Flood, who does God permit on Noah’s ark?

a) only Noah  b) Noah and his sons  c) Noah, his wife and his sons  d) Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives.

11) What is the first bird Noah set forth when the rain stops?

a) a robin  b) a dove  c) a duck  d) a raven  e) an eagle

12) How long do Noah and his family have to remain in the ark?

a) It does not say, but less than three weeks  b) more than a 40 days  c) 40 days  d) 40 days and 40 nights

13) In “The Origin of Languages,” why do people begin to construct the Tower of Babel?

a) to protect themselves  b) to reach heaven  c) to build an idol  d) to prepare for the flood  e) the text does not say

14) What character accompanied Moses to receive the Commandments of the Lord?

a) Michael  b) Israel  c) Joseph  d) Aaron  e) Eusol

15)What does the suffix “el” mean, i.e. “Michael” or “Raphael”

a) with God  b) to wander  c) seeker of the truth  d) glorious  e) to be feared

16) Removing the notion of a Higher Power, what natural disaster does the description of Mt. Sinai in Exodus resemble?

a) a volcano  b) a forest fire  c) a hurricane  d) and earthquake  e) a squall

17) What contradiction exists in the text in the story of Noah and the flood?

a) it states that Noah is a widower and then describes his wife  b) it states that he has no children and then refers to his children  c) it states that he is to bring a pair of each animal in one section and seven pairs in another  d) there are no contradictions

18) Based on what we have read in class, how does God describe himself in Genesis and Exodus?

a) forgiving  b) loving  c) humble  d) jealous  e) evil

19) What is the name of Gilgamesh’s mother?

a) Siduri  b) Ninsun  c) Aura d) Ishtar  e) Shamhat

20) What was the name of Gilgamesh’s city?

a) Urshanabi  b) Utnapishtim  c) Humbaba  d) Uruk

21) What is the name of the giant protecting the Cedar Forest?

a) Urshanabi  b) Utnapishtim  c) Humbaba  d) Uruk

22) What is the name of the “Noah” character who is immortal?

a) Urshanabi  b) Utnapishtim  c) Humbaba  d) Uruk

23) What is the name of the Ferry Man who takes Gilgamesh to the flower of youth?

a) Urshanabi  b) Utnapishtim  c) Humbaba  d) Uruk

24) Who created Enkidu?

a) Siduri  b) Ninsun  c) Aura  d) Ishtar  e) Shamhat

25) Who is the veiled barmaid that directs Gilgamesh to the ferry man?

a) Siduri  b) Ninsun  c) Aura  d) Ishtar  e) Shamhat

26) What is the name of the prostitute who “tames” Enkidu?

a) Siduri  b) Ninsun  c) Aura  d) Ishtar  e) Shamhat

27) Of what is Ishtar the goddess?

a) love/war  b)hate/greed  c) lust/vengeance  d) love/sex

28) Why does Ishtar hate Gilgamesh?

a) Gilgamesh denied her advances  b) Gilgamesh killed her husband  c) The text does not say  d) Gilgamesh raped her  e) Gilgamesh killed her son

29) For what purpose was Enkidu created?

a) to be a mate for Shamhat  b) to bring peace to the land  c) to protect the animals  d) to challenge Gilgamesh because no one else could  e) to be Gilgamesh’s best friend

30) In history, which text was written first?

a) Gilgamesh  b) the Torah

31) This goddess sprung from Zeus’ head fully clad in armor.

a) Thetis  b) Athena  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

32) This goddess gave birth to Achilles.

a) Thetis  b) Athena  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

33) This goddess raised Hephaestus when he was hurled from Mount Olympus.

a) Thetis  b) Athena  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

34) This goddess is Zeus’ sister/wife.

a) Thetis  b) Athena  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

35) This goddess had an affair with the god of war behind her husband’s back.

a) Thetis  b) Athena  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

36) He is the illegitimate son of Hera and the only Olympian who is physically ugly.

a) Hades  b) Hermes  c) Dionysus  d) Hephaestus  e) Ares

37) He is the god of metalwork and designed Achilles’ shield and armor.

a) Hades  b) Hermes  c) Dionysus  d) Hephaestus  e) Ares

38) He is the messenger god, distinguished by his winged sandals.

a) Hades  b) Hermes  c) Dionysus  d) Hephaestus  e) Ares

39) Thetis was what type of deity?

a) Siren  b) Nymph  c) Hecate  d) Harpy

The Illiad

40) His death prompted Achilles to re-enter the war.

a) Hektor  b) Agamemnon  c) Odysseus  d) Patroklus

41) This god/dess appeared behind Achilles to scare away the advancing Trojans.

a) Hera  b) Pallas Athena  c) Apollo  d) Zeus  e) Hephaestus

42) This god opposed Achilles because Achilles desecrated his temple.

a) Zeus  b) Mercury  c) Poseidon  d) Cronus  e) Apollo

43) This woman’s face “launched 1000 ships,” i.e. caused the Trojan War.

a) Helen of Troy  b) Chysius  c) Bryssius  d) Thetis

44) His body was dragged behind Achilles’ chariot but would not deteriorate.

a) Hektor  b) Achilles  c) Patroklus  d) Agamemnon e) Odysseus

45) He wore Achilles armor into battle and died when Achilles refused to fight.

a) Hektor  b) Achilles  c) Patroklus  d) Agamemnon e) Odysseus

46) He devised the plan for the “Trojan Horse.”

a) Hektor  b) Achilles  c) Patroklus  d) Agamemnon e) Odysseus

47) This goddess asked a favor from Zeus that the Trojans start winning to motivate Achilles.

a) Athena  b) Thetis  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

48) This goddess favored the Greek army and scorned Zeus for favoring the Trojans.

a) Athena  b) Thetis  c) Hera  d) Aphrodite

49) A protagonist who embarks on a quest, upholds the morals of the society, fights monsters or gods, has abilities beyond that of a normal person but who is not a god—these characteristics most closely define which of the following?

a) tragic hero  b) anti-hero  c) super hero  d) epic hero

50) GilgameshThe Iliad and The Odyssey are all examples of what form of literature?

a) epic poem  b) drama  c) narrative  d) song  e) dance

51) Where does archeological evidence reveal that the first civilizations emerge?

a) along the Tigress and Euphrates rivers  b) on the Southern African Coastline  c) in Greece  d) in America

52) Which one of the following most likely is NOT based on an actual place?

a) Troy  b) Ithica  c) Urik  d) Land of the Lotus eaters  e) both a and b

53) What poet transcribed The Iliad and The Odyssey?

a) Moses  b) Urik  c) Homer  d) Virgil

54) Who is said to be the author of the Pentateuch?

a) Moses  b) Noah  c) David  d) Solomon  e) Homer

55) What is the native language in which the Torah is written?

a) Aramaic  b) Hebrew  c) Farsi  d) English

56) Which is NOT a primal, written language from ancient Africa?

a) Cuneiform  b) Hieroglyphics  c) Latin

Identify the culture of the following myths: 

57) Gilgamesh

a) Hebrew  b) Greek  c) Samarian  d) Jewish  e) either a or d

58) Torah

a) Hebrew  b) Greek  c) Samarian  d) Jewish  e) either a or d

59) The Pentateuch

a) Hebrew  b) Greek  c) Samarian  d) Jewish  e) either a or d

60)) The Iliad

a) Hebrew  b) Greek  c) Samarian  d) Jewish  e) either a or d

Oedipus Rex

61) Who is the blind prophet summoned by Oedipus?

a) Creon  b) Jokasta  c) Tiresius  d) Apollo

62) Which is not a curse associated on Oedipus?

a) He will die  b) he will be blinded  c) he will sire his own brothers and sisters  d) he will kill his father

63) Which is not an element of a tragic hero?

a) Greatness  b) Internal flaw  c) fall from greatness  d) death  e) realization

64) What force does Oedipus face that cannot be changed?

a) fate  b) karma  c) destiny  d) machismo

65) What physical/ metaphorical image is repeated in Oedipus?

a) Hearing  b) sight  c) feeling  d) taste  e) smell