What change in “Anonymous” occurs around the issue of Hal Turner? What “split” occurs within “Anonymous” around this period?

What corporate and/or national policy initiatives “three to four” do you think should be put in place to curb such forms of cyberterrorism such as “leaks”&”Wikileaks”?
August 18, 2019
How do you assess the various activities of Lulz Sec? Do you agree with their actions in support of WikiLeaks, such as denial of service attacks?
August 18, 2019

What change in “Anonymous” occurs around the issue of Hal Turner? What “split” occurs within “Anonymous” around this period?

Question Description

1. Watch WE ARE LEGION (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHl0WI32XkY) and answer the following:

  1. Who or what is “Anonymous?”
  2. What are the concerns of “Anonymous?”
  3. Where is “hacking” said to begin and in which of these activities did they engage?
  4. With what is Apple (Steve Jobs) and Microsoft (Bill Gates) said to have begun?
  5. What change in “Anonymous” occurs around the issue of Hal Turner? What “split” occurs within “Anonymous” around this period?
  6. What is “DCMA?”
  7. What was the position taken by “Anonymous” regarding WikiLeaks and Julian Asange?