What do you think are the reasons behind Wal-Mart’s poor financial data, and why the author thinks Wal-Mart is falling apart?

Develop and discuss corporate and business strategies that you recommend to achieve the firm’s mission and objectives.
July 5, 2019
Walmart Corporate Responsibility: ·Corporate Compliance ·Ethical Issues
July 5, 2019

What do you think are the reasons behind Wal-Mart’s poor financial data, and why the author thinks Wal-Mart is falling apart?

Question Description

Please wright a 150 word answer or more.

The link below takes you the Motely Fool’s analysis of Wal-Mart and why they believe Wal-Mart is collapsing. What do you think are the reasons behind Wal-Mart’s poor financial data, and why the author thinks Wal-Mart is falling apart?