What does Native American social status of women within their tribal groups tell you about the American Indian cultural life-ways?

Find the painting of a Kachina Dance, Hopi Ceremonial Dance, by Hopi artist Fred Kabotie,How does the art serve as an ethnographic document useful in the study of Hopi ceremonial arts?
September 3, 2019
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September 3, 2019

What does Native American social status of women within their tribal groups tell you about the American Indian cultural life-ways?

Question Description

1) What is your understanding of the role of the European “crowns” (British, French, and Spanish) and the Church in viewing “America” as land for the taking? Did these three European Powers “de-humanize” the American Indian for economic gain in your oprinion? In short, is the “discovery” claim a legitimate premise to enter these lands and destroy the American Indian culture? Is the “manifest destiny” claim a moral right or was that just an afront to wealth and property? Your thoughts please…

2 paragraphs is fine.

2) After reading the text and reviewing my Guide Notes please respond to the following questions.
What does Native American social status of women within their tribal groups tell you about the American Indian cultural life-ways?Compared to Anglo-European or Anglo-American culture what are the social implications – in the past and present?

2 paragraphs is fine.

3) This week you reviewed and studies the social structure of the Iroquoian people. Discuss the implications of these Indian people having a matriarchal society. Was this unique for its time? What does it say about this civilization compared to the American society (colonists) at that time?

2 paragraphs is fine.

4) After reading your text and reviewing the lecture notes please respond to the following questions. The People of the Southeast were the first to experience the official policy of the United States to remove them from their native lands to so called “Indian Territory” -Oklahoma and Kansas. Was such an act – although passed by the U.S.Congress – an act of institutional racism? What do you think? What impact did such a policy have on these various People and their cultures? Should the Oklahoma Tribes today be compensated for this action?

2 paragraphs is fine.