What earlier soliloquy is echoed in the pre-duel words, and what is your final impression of the character of Hamlet?

The scene between Hamlet and Ophelia in Act III, lines 90-141.
July 25, 2019
Why did Hamlet not avenge his father’s death right away?
July 25, 2019

What earlier soliloquy is echoed in the pre-duel words, and what is your final impression of the character of Hamlet?

Question Description

Take a look at Hamlet’s final couple speeches to Horatio, the one right before the duel when Horatio suggests trying to cancel the fight, and then the last words he says to Horatio as he dies. What earlier soliloquy is echoed in the pre-duel words, and what is your final impression of the character of Hamlet? How has changed from angry son he was in the first soliloquy.