What impact do high-publicity sexual harassment cases have on the American workforce?

Describe at least two tactics that law enforcement might utilize to address cyber-bullying and explain whether or not each tactic is effective.
August 18, 2019
Do you believe sexual harassment is still an issue in the workplace/  Discuss the effects of sexual harassment has in the workplace?
August 18, 2019

What impact do high-publicity sexual harassment cases have on the American workforce?

Question Description

In this paper, please respond to the following questions.

  • What impact do high-publicity sexual harassment cases have on the American workforce?
  • Please research recent high-profile cases in the media. Do they send clear or unclear messages about acceptable and unacceptable workplace behaviors? Explain.
  • How do these cases affect behavior in the workplace? Include specific examples.

The paper should be a minimum of two pages. APA format.