What is a “good job”? Research Zeynop Ton’s Good Jobs Institute and “good jobs strategy.”

Specifically, the article discusses the various ways that the company meets the needs of other cultures
July 5, 2019
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July 5, 2019

What is a “good job”? Research Zeynop Ton’s Good Jobs Institute and “good jobs strategy.”

Question Description

What is a “good job”? Research Zeynop Ton’s Good Jobs Institute and “good jobs strategy.” Then apply her theories to answer: Where are “good jobs” emerging for women and persons of color? What is the significance of the growth of huge corporations such as Wal-Mart and McDonalds to good jobs? Is such growth beneficial to persons of color and women? (250 words).

Note: this TedTalk may be helpful: [Tedx Talks]. (2013, September 25). The Good Jobs Strategy: Zeynep Ton at TEDxCambridge