What is my ideal life in 15 years? What will my work life be? What is my legacy? What do I want people to say about me in the future? What are the core values that motivate my life choices? What or who will I be?

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What is my ideal life in 15 years? What will my work life be? What is my legacy? What do I want people to say about me in the future? What are the core values that motivate my life choices? What or who will I be?

Question Description

In the long run, individuals are more likely to have satisfying lives and careers when their personal and career visions are consistent with each other and with their core values.Many of us become unhappy when we suppress or sacrifice personal values for career success. The goal of this assignment is for you to think about your aspirations and develop a personal vision statement based on considering your core values.

Prepare your vision statement by starting with an overview of your desired future. This can take one or more paragraphs.It should provide enough detail so that the reader understands your dreams, goals, and aspirations. You could be a little ambitious but it should be realisticJ

The following segments of your vision statement should summarize the elements of your vision. It should answer the following questions:What is my ideal life in 15 years? What will my work life be? What is my legacy? What do I want people to say about me in the future? What are the core values that motivate my life choices? What or who will I be?


The total length of this personal vision essay should be around 4 double spaced pages, 12pt Times New Roman font, with 1” margins. Write this essay starting on the next page (see highlighted part below). Typed hard copies are expected. When turning in your assignment, please also print and turn in this page as the first page of your assignment (this page is not counted towards the 4 pages).

Copyright: The components of this assignment were derived from Richard Boyatzis. (2002). Developing a personal vision toward your ideal self: Catching your dreams. Unpublished manuscript.