What is the best early modern alternative to Cartesian dualism?

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April 4, 2023
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April 4, 2023

What is the best early modern alternative to Cartesian dualism?

Section A
1. What is a monad? Are you one?
2. What is the problem that the theory of the pre-established harmony is
supposed to solve, and is it successful?
3. How ought we relate to the world around us? Answer with reference to
Cavendish and/or Spinoza.
4. What is monism, and is it right? Discuss with reference to Cavendish
and/or Spinoza.
5. ‘Everyone of himself will readily perceive the difference betwixt feeling
and thinking.’ (HUME) Discuss.
6. Discuss Hume’s comparison of personal identity with the identity of at
least two of: a theatre performance, an oak tree, a church, a river, a
Section B
7. Is Cartesian reason gendered reason?
8. Is there such a thing as early modern feminism?
9. Should you get married? Discuss with reference to two early modern
thinkers of your choice.
10. Can a poem or letter be philosophy? Discuss with reference to early
modern thinkers.
11. What is the best early modern alternative to Cartesian dualism?
12. Is there anything a contemporary materialist might learn from an early
modern one?