What is the central thesis of Block’s article and what evidence does she use to make her argument.

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What is the central thesis of Block’s article and what evidence does she use to make her argument.

Question Description

For this writing assignment, please read the article “Clothing Makes the Man: A Pattern in the Odyssey” by Elizabeth Block that is available via the library athttps://www-jstor-org.proxy.library.umkc.edu/stable/284185. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After you have read the article, please write two paragraphs in the discussion board, one paragraph in response to the following two questions:

1. What is the central thesis of Block’s article and what evidence does she use to make her argument.

2. Identify one example of ‘clothing making the man or woman’ in your reading from books 13-20 of the Odyssey and describe how the way a character is dressed influences the way that his or her social status is perceived by others characters in the text.

Your answers to each of these two questions should be approximately 250-300 words in length (500-600 words total for both answers). Your paragraph should be written in formal academic language and should begin with a focused topic sentence and it should be followed by sentences that provide details and quotations from the source material to support your answer.