What is the connection then, between these works of art and the changes going on? Consider whether art is something that comes with civilization in terms of the growth of communities and larger cities.

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July 29, 2019

What is the connection then, between these works of art and the changes going on? Consider whether art is something that comes with civilization in terms of the growth of communities and larger cities.

Question Description

Professor’s Question Below Please Answer This Only

What is the connection then, between these works of art and the changes going on? Consider whether art is something that comes with civilization in terms of the growth of communities and larger cities.

Question Asked To Student

Often social change is reflected in a civilization’s art. In the prehistoric age, we have to look for clues in material items, because these are not literate societies. In Part 1, you looked at changes brought about by the agricultural revolution. Using that evidence, draft a 300-400 word post describing change you see in prehistoric societies and how those changes are reflected in art.

Student’s Response:

The initial kind of art is highly primitive. For example, the cupule, it’s a mysterious kind of Paleolithic cultural creativity which comprises less than a hemispherical, or cup-like scouring of the rock surface. The early carvings called the Venuses of Tan-Tan and Berekhat Ram, are symbols of human shapes that other professionals doubt if they were really artwork in the first place. In the Upper Paleolithic, the modern man started coming up with more recognizable carvings and pictures. The Aurignacian culture specifically became a witness to the explosion of rock art including the El Castillo cave paintings, the monochrome cave murals at Chauvet, the Lion man of Hohlenstein-Stadel, the Venus of Hohle Fels among others. The Gravettian and Magdalenian cultures came up with even more complex artworks especially the polychrome Dappled Horses of Pech-Merie and the cave paintings located at Lascaux and Altamira.

The Pre-historic culture is the longest phase of the Stone Age culture also referred to as the Paleolithic period. Humans from this era were hunters and gatherers. The culture was split into three sections:

  • Lower Paleolithic (2,500,000-200,000 BCE). Inclusive of the Olduwan, Acheulean, and the Clactonian cultures.
  • They are characterized by the Stone Age subsistence culture.
  • Middle Paleolithic (200,000-40,000 BCE. Consisting of the Mousterian culture, and the Levalloise Flake tool culture.
  • Upper Paleolithic (40,000-10,000 BCE). Comprising of Aurignacian culture, Perigordian, Gravettian, Solutrean, and Magdalenian cultures.

After this culture, the Mesolithic era came into existent, which ended with the spread of agriculture. The Neolithic era followed thereafter which introduced the development of permanent settlements. The Stone Age comes to an end as stone equipment are overtaken by bronze products and iron metallurgy. The Bronze Age and the Iron Age comes thereafter. The Perigordian and Solutrean cultures are not related to artworks. Artworks formed during these periods are believed to have been impacted by influence from other cultures.

Professor’s Question Below Please Answer This Only

What is the connection then, between these works of art and the changes going on? Consider whether art is something that comes with civilization in terms of the growth of communities and larger cities.

Thank You.