What is the economic rationale for the current Social Security system.

Social security has a significant impact on the U.S budget.
August 15, 2019
Discuss Potential Consequences of Reducing Healthcare Spending.
August 15, 2019

What is the economic rationale for the current Social Security system.

Question Description

The article “It’s Time to End Social Security for the Rich” discusses a potential (partial) solution to the growing problems with Social Security funding that will become very salient in the future. In this assignment, you will read:

1. Read the Brookings[Piece by Stuart Butler]

2. Read Saving Social Security by Diamond and Orzsag


Then, I want you to pretend you are a policy analyst for a local politician who has been tasked to write a short policy piece. In 2 – 3 pages (NO MORE THAN 3), I want you to address the following:

– Overview of the policy problem at hand

– What is the economic rationale for the current Social Security system

– What is the economic rationale for the abolishing the current system and installing one similar to the one that Butler advocates.

– Be sure to focus on key issues: e.g. adverse selection, moral hazard, fairness, redistribution.

– What would you advocate your politician do?

Support maintaining the system that is currently in place (and finding a new way to insure solvency) or install a program that acts more like a system for the poor?

Your short papers should have the following format:

– No more than 3 pages

– Types with 1.5 – 2 spacing and 11-12 pt font

– Separate headings

– Any reference(s) in proper format