What is the general tendency of a president’s popularity?

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January 4, 2023
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January 4, 2023

What is the general tendency of a president’s popularity?


  1. What is the general tendency of a president’s popularity?
a. Presidents usually begin very unpopular and increase their popularity significantly as their terms in office continue
b. Presidents usually begin with moderate ratings that move drastically up or down, depending on their success
c. Presidents usually maintain the public approval ratings they had when they entered office, unless there is an economic recession or international crisis
d. Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years
  1. The major issue in Jackson’s campaign for re-election in 1832 was:
a. His veto of a bill to fund construction of the National Road
b. The gag rule
c. The legality and fairness involved in requiring voters to pass literacy tests in order to cast a ballot
d. The “Bank War” over the proposal to grant a new charter to the Bank of the United States
  1. One of the nastiest aspects of the Election of 1828 involved campaign attacks against:
a. The spoils system
b. Andrew Jackson’s wife Rachel
c. Nicholas Biddle for supporting succession when he was a member of the Federalist Party
d. Henry Clay’s alleged adultery
  1. By the time Jackson was a few years into his presidency the United States had:
a. One political party, the Whigs
b. Two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans
c. Two political parties, the Whigs and the Democrats
d. Two political parties, the Democrats and the Federalists

The charter renewal for the Bank of the United States became a political issue under Jackson in part because:

a. It refused to grant loan applications for the purchase of public land
b. The bank was using its money to support certain political candidates and their campaigns
c. Bank officials were caught stealing funds
d. Jackson was angry that the Bank would not loan the Democratic Party money

The ________ is the informal designation for the heads of the major federal government departments.

a. Cabinet
b. Executive Office of the President
c. Presidential Advisory Committee
d. White House staff

The period from roughly Madison to Monroe’s presidencies had a special name, given the distinct lack of serious partisanship and party politics:

a. The Era of Good Feelings
b. The Progressive Era
c. The Partisan Era
d. The Antebellum Era

How did Andrew Jackson finally destroy the Bank of the United States?

a. He sued in federal court, which eventually led to the Supreme Court voiding the bank’s charter
b. He opted to pay all government debts from tariff revenue only
c. He removed federal funds from the bank of deposited the money in state banks
d. He pushed the Tariff of 1834 through Congress, which raised interest rates so high that the bank faced a severe public backlash

With the Nullification Crisis, spearheaded by Vice-President John Calhoun, this state decided that states should be able to nullify/veto federal decisions they deemed unjust. The crisis ended in 1833, when Jackson threatened to lead troops to this state and personally hang Calhoun:

a. Georgia
b. Texas
c. South Carolina
d. Alabama

Which of the following positions does the president have the power to appoint (with the consent of the Senate)?

a. State governors who resign before their terms have expired
b. Cabinet secretaries
c. A seat in the House of Representatives if a sitting member passes away
d. State Supreme Court justices