What is Theology, Axiology and Epistemology?

What is the Relationship between Religion and Science?
February 2, 2022
First-year Composition prepares Student for Academic writing by Tyler Branson, Analysis
February 2, 2022

What is Theology, Axiology and Epistemology?

What is Theology, Axiology and Epistemology?

1)What is Theology, Axiology and Epistemology? 2) Explain your own…

1)What is Theology, Axiology and Epistemology?

2) Explain your own point of view on (Theology, Axiology and Epistemology)


3) Then explain how your own points of view would apply to business ethics. Both personal thought and the application to business ethics.

Epistemology is the study of how we know things. There are sometimes epistemological elements to theology – more or less so depending on the religion in question – but theology mainly aims to justify and rationalize religious ontology. Both explore the nuances meaning of various spiritual claims worldview and practices. Both argue for correct or plausible interpretations of these things. I would characterize the difference as being that no metaphysical assumptions would be made by the hilosopher of regilion without rational supports while the theological begins with a foundational set of metaphysical assumption about the world that do not require rational support. That said Phil of religion would be intellectually more “meta” and a theologican who would question the basis of religious beliefs would be doing philosophy of religio…..

Evidentialism is the view that for a person to be justified in some belief, that person must have some awareness of the evidence for the belief. This is usually articulated as a person’s belief being justified given the total evidence available to the person. On this view, the belief in question must not be undermined (or defeated) by other, evident beliefs held by the person. Moreover, evidentialists often contend that the degree of confidence in a belief should be proportional to the evidence. Evidentialism has been defended by representatives of all the different viewpoints in philosophy of religion: theism, atheism, advocates of non-theistic models of God, agnostics. Evidentialists have differed in terms of their accounts of evidence (what weight might be given to phenomenology?) and the relationship between evident beliefs (must beliefs either be foundational or basic or entailed by such foundational beliefs?) Probably the most well known evidentialist in the field of philosophy of religion who advocates for theism is Richard Swinburne (1934–).