What is your perspective on the question of legalization of drugs, including marijuana?

How did the article that supported your view make you feel? How did the article that didn’t support your view make you feel? How does this relate to confirmation bias?
September 6, 2019
Against Recreational Marijuana Legalization
September 6, 2019

What is your perspective on the question of legalization of drugs, including marijuana?

Question Description

The forum question for our consideration this week focuses on the legalization and decriminalization of drugs, including marijuana, in our society. We first looked at the arguments for and against this topic in Chapter 1 and there is a nice Point/Counterpoint in your assigned textbook readings this week as well.

Based on those readings, the readings from this week, and your reflections on your own beliefs, what is your perspective on the question of legalization of drugs, including marijuana?


Lesson 3 – Part 1: Textbook PowerPoint Lecture Presentation


Levinthal, C. F. (06/2013). Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 8th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9781323017647