What McDonalds started back in the 50’s and has now spread around the world

McDonalds serves unhealthy food because McDonalds main sales are high calorie drinks, and fatty hamburgers and oily French fries. Only a small minority of total McDonald sales are the healthy foods it sells such as salads and fish sandwiches. I
July 5, 2019
Undertake a brief SWOT analysis for McDonalds’ position in the labour market and discuss the people management implications of that SWOT analysis.
July 5, 2019

What McDonalds started back in the 50’s and has now spread around the world

Question Description

Written assignment intro: Read the article over the counter mcdonalds by robin leidner, One of the interesting things that has come out of people studying McDonalds is that what McDonalds started back in the 50’s and has now spread around the world, represents something new and life changing in society overall.Hint: it is actually not related to fast-food, or with mass production systems in and of itself. The key is how everything discussed in the article transfers to general society.

Link these sociological term in the Macdonald article:



charismatic and traditional authority





You can add any sociological term in chapter 15 that you think related to the topic. “You may ask yourself by dalton Conley” chapter 15 power and authority.