What the impact of Britain’s decision to leave the EU will have on Britain, the European Union (EU), trade with the United States and the global economy.

XYZ Bank told Bob to increase cash to $70,000 from 2016 to 2017.
September 7, 2019
What is “BREXIT” and what is the impact of “BREXIT”?
September 7, 2019

What the impact of Britain’s decision to leave the EU will have on Britain, the European Union (EU), trade with the United States and the global economy.


Watch these PBS videos “What motivations led British voters to choose Brexit?”, “What Brexit might do to the British economy”, In post-Brexit Britain, xenophobia attacks are on the rise”, “Britain grappling with the consequences of the Brexit vote”, “What impact will Brexit have on U.S. trade policy?”, “After Brexit, will other countries shun globalization?” and EU subsidies in jeopardy for county that voted for Brexit by Frontline regarding Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (EU).

After watching the videos and doing your own research write a brief one-page paper summarizing

what the impact of Britain’s decision to leave the EU will have on Britain, the European Union (EU), trade with the United States and the global economy.