What was the FLN during the Algerian war and what was its impact?

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December 30, 2022

What was the FLN during the Algerian war and what was its impact?


Respond to one of the following (250 words)

What was the FLN during the Algerian war and what was its impact?

What happened in the Suez Canal crisis and what was the fallout?

Post your thoughts/reactions to “The Battle of Algiers” movie here….

All: If you want an extra challenge, please research the following: Who was Frantz Fanon? What were his views on decolonization? Also, please review a summary of his great work “The Wretched of the Earth” online and provide it here….I would absolutely love to engage you on this topic. It is very complex but very interesting!

What are the main social and cultural divisions in Egyptian society today?  For example, the educated, Westernized middle class is different from and has competing interests compared to the working class majority.  How are these divisions manifested in the recent Arab Spring?

Can you tell us a bit more about the impact of France and French culture on Lebanon?

How is modern Islamic Egypt reconciling it’s pagan pre-Islamic past?  How does it view the pyramids and the culture of the past?