What were the three goals of the New Deal? How was the New Deal “new” and progressive? How did it reinforce racial structures in the South?

Why did the Reagan administration cut funding for Social Programs? Describe two reasons.
August 19, 2019
Identify one historic fact that you were unaware of. Discuss the impact of this event and explain how it relates to the United States today.
August 19, 2019

What were the three goals of the New Deal? How was the New Deal “new” and progressive? How did it reinforce racial structures in the South?

Question Description

What were the three goals of the New Deal? How was the New Deal “new” and progressive? How did it reinforce racial structures in the South?

Answer should be between 500-1000 words which should base on the text book (give me liberty), the primary source (voices of freedom) and the lecture which I attached as a power point. Cite at least one of the primary readings per each answer (Voices of Freedom book), do not consult any other sources.

Related readings:

A New Deal for the American People”

    • Voices of Freedom
      • Document 143 – Herbert Hoover on the New Deal and Liberty (1936)
      • Document 146 – W.E.B. DuBois, “A Negro Nation Within A Nation” (1935)
    • Selected documents
      • Sinclair Lewis, It Can’t Happen Here
    • Give Me Liberty, pg 838-859


  • answer should have an introduction, a body (where you provide the evidence for your answer), and a conclusion.
  • The last paragraph of the paper should be your conclusion. In your conclusion, summarize your arguments you made to answer the question.
  • All the information you need to answer question can be found in the text book, the primary source readings and the documents attached.