Where do you see connections between Mazzini’s On Nationality and this work? Where do you see the development of Nationalism?

Explain how Italy’s experience with WWI and post-WWI conditions provide an environment for the rise of fascism.
September 8, 2019
What precisely did the African American Civil Right Movement gain?
September 8, 2019

Where do you see connections between Mazzini’s On Nationality and this work? Where do you see the development of Nationalism?

Question Description

Write a 3-page (750-word) connection and response essay. Use quotations sparingly; cite appropriately. Please use Times New Roman font size 12, with 1-inch margins, and include a cover page.

You do not need to specifically “answer” these questions in your essay. This is not a comprehensive list of thoughts or questions, and does not need to be followed explicitly. BE CREATIVE AND WRITE YOUR OWN RESPONSES, AND MAKE YOUR OWN CONNECTIONS AS WELL.

  • Where do you see connections between Mazzini’s On Nationality and this work? Where do you see the development of Nationalism?
  • How much do the events of World War I directly affect the developments of the rise of Fascim in Italy? [i.e. Where do you see connections, or not]
  • Was Fascism inevitable? Why or why not? Could some other parliamentary path have presented itself as an alternative that Italy could have accepted in a rejection of Fascism?
  • For what reasons do Italians turn to, and then uphold and support a Fascist regime? Were these decisions reasonable? Why or why not? [i.e. give some evidences]
  • In what ways do we see Corporatism “answering” some of the needs or desires that various groups of Italians have advocated for?
  • How do we see the Fascist regime change over time? In what ways does it adjust government, message or ideas in order to maintain the support of the people, implement a plan or course of action, or follow the development of European politics?
    • Where do we see religion play into these events? What is the use of or rejection of religion?
    • What surprises you most about Fascism and/or Italy’s experience with Fascism? Why?