Why did Mustafa Kemal believe that the caliphate no longer met the needs of the Turkish people?

What are the core concerns that divide these authors? What historical circumstances might help to account for the very different understandings of Islam that are reflected in these documents?
August 16, 2019
Who was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and how did he manage to lead in the creation of modern Turkey?
August 16, 2019

Why did Mustafa Kemal believe that the caliphate no longer met the needs of the Turkish people?

Question Description

Hi. I want someone who will answer thees outstations.

Why did Mustafa Kemal believe that the caliphate no longer met the needs of the Turkish people?

Why did Mohammed Iqbal believe that a separate state for Muslims in India would be required?

How did he attempt to persuade non-Muslims that this would be to their benefit as well?