Why did the Great Depression last so long?

Summarize your understanding of Eichengreen’s argument.
September 9, 2019
How did events in the 1930s expand women’s roles in society?
September 9, 2019

Why did the Great Depression last so long?

Question Description

Please provide a comprehensive answer to the following two questions:

1) Which were the main causes of the Great Depression?

2) Why did the Great Depression last so long?


Write a summary and background about the graeat depression, then go into answering the two questions below. Write the question on top of the paragraph where you start answering it

  •  To answer these questions, please start with our textbook information and then use at least one more reputable source for your research.
  • The book title: History of the American Economy, 12th Edition Gary M. WALTON. Hugh Rockoff

( Use the book chapter about the great depression as a source chapters 22-23) and one more web source

  •  Please use the bibliographic information recommended by the Modern Language Association (MLA).
  •  Length: at least six pages, including bibliography.
  •  For each question: write the question as a title and then provide your answers.