Why do Some Love Islands? Why Others Don’t?

The Epic of Gilgamesh is often said to be a classic story about the struggle between wilderness and civilization. How so? How does the poem begin?
July 30, 2019
Describe the relationship between gods and kings in the Sumerian world and what Gilgamesh does in the epic to perform his part in the relationship.
July 30, 2019

Why do Some Love Islands? Why Others Don’t?

Question Description

Derrida Needs to be: 2 pages, double spaced.

Required readings: The epic of Gilgamesh

Derrida, Selections from The Beast and the Sovereign II  Derrida

Negrón, “Why do Some Love Islands? Why Others Don’t? Negron


must choose a central theme in one of the books (preferable epic of Gilgamesh) and provide a short commentary that relates to the other works

must not be a summery but focus one theme