Why does Feary believe that sexual harassment in the workplace is morally wrong and it ought to be legally prohibited?

Based upon the scenario, does the employee have a legally viable claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment and/or hostile environment sexual harassment? What is the likely outcome?
August 18, 2019
Explain at least two effects that cyber-bullying might have on victims.
August 18, 2019

Why does Feary believe that sexual harassment in the workplace is morally wrong and it ought to be legally prohibited?

Question Description

1. According to Feary, why does she say that ‘…it is doubtful that the existing types of sexual harassment education currently being offered by human resource consultants are likely to be very effective”?

  1. Why does Feary believe that sexual harassment in the workplace is morally wrong and it ought to be legally prohibited?
  2. What are the five (5) key reasons she cites for her position?

Post your thoughts and comments to all the above questions.