Why might Orwell have given the main character of 1984 the common surname Smith?

In 1984 Winston often describes people in unflattering ways
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Is Winston’s perspective convincing?
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Why might Orwell have given the main character of 1984 the common surname Smith?

Why might Orwell have given the main character of 1984 the common surname Smith?

Because Smith is a common last name, it is possible that Orwell gave it to his main character to show that Winston is an Everyman to whom readers can easily relate. He is not a heroic character in appearance; he is thin and middle-aged and has an ulcer on his leg. Nor does he have any political power. At the same time, Winston’s last name can be viewed as an example of verbal irony. In his rebellious thinking and actions, Winston is highly uncommon. He is an individual in a society where those who fail to conform become “unpersons.”