With social media, there is now greater interactivity between performer and audience. How is this exhibited in “Generation Like”?

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With social media, there is now greater interactivity between performer and audience. How is this exhibited in “Generation Like”?

Question Description

watch the PBS documentary “Generation Like” and reflect on it. Please watch carefully because you will respond to what you see with an online writing assignment.

You can stream the program free of charge by clicking on the above hyperlink. You can also review the content by reading the transcript.

After you watch, respond to the following questions on “Class Blog – Week 9.”

  1. With social media, there is now greater interactivity between performer and audience. How is this exhibited in “Generation Like”?
  2. How have people like Tyler Oakley distinguished themselves using social media, and how do they monetize their content?
  3. What feedback did Daniela Diaz face, and how did she respond?
  4. What do you believe “Generation Like” says about the quest for fame? Do you see this phenomenon as good, bad or neutral?
  5. Did this program change your view of social media?