Ellison’s Invisible Man and Tan’s Joy Luck Club.

Determine the characteristics of your “invisible mentor” (DAVE SCHULTZ) that makes that person effective and successful at leading teams.
July 25, 2019
Describe, based on the video what is the relevance of ecosystems in the Enviemonet and human existence plus health?
July 25, 2019

Ellison’s Invisible Man and Tan’s Joy Luck Club.

Question Description

Consider the main characters we encounter in Updike’s “A&P”, London’s “A Piece of Steak”, Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”, and the excerpts from Ellison’s Invisible Man and Tan’s Joy Luck Club. Which two of the characters intrigued you the most? Why? With which forms of nourishment or with which appetites are the characters associated and what larger questions about the human condition do these associations bring to our attention? What might be the significance here?

the initial post should be between 75 to 150 words and is supposed to open the discussion