Would Hamlet have made a good leader of Denmark?

Describe Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia. Did Hamlet really love Ophelia? Is he to blame in her death? Was it suicide?
July 25, 2019
What other work does the plot or the themes of Hamlet remind you of? Why?
July 25, 2019

Would Hamlet have made a good leader of Denmark?

Question Description

Prompt: Would Hamlet have made a good leader of Denmark?

Directions: Write a multi-paragraph, argumentative essay on the prompt above. Be sure to support your claims with evidence from the book.

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY has to be multi paragraph (intro, 2-3 bodies, and end) and needs to have quotes that support the claims and counterclaims(Make sure to use 2 or 3 quotes in each body paragraph and cite using the act scene and line number).

MLA format. Please do not summarize the story, that is not what the prompt is asking.