Write a professional resume

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July 21, 2019
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July 21, 2019

Write a professional resume

Question Description

The professional resume is one of the most important aspects of your portfolio. A well-developed resume is the employers first glimpse at the professional you. It should be free of grammatical errors and be formatted in an easy to read fashion. This week you will be developing and submitting the first draft of your professional resume. You may already have a resume, however; resumes are an evolving document that needs to be tailored to the position you are seeking.

Use the Internet to research one job posting in your desired field. This should be a position that you are realistically qualified for based on your experience. You can use job search engines such as monster.com or hotjobs.com, the classified ads, or search HR websites at healthcare facilities. The position that you select should be in an area where you would be willing to work, for example, if the job is in California and you have no intention of moving to Cali, then do not use it.)

Incorporate the information that you have learned from this unit’s reading assignment to create a new resume specifically tailored to that job posting. Copy and paste the job posting in the same document as your new resume.

Submit your assignment using the upload instructions below.