Write a Report on SEO techniques and hot to optimize your personal web site

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Write a Report on SEO techniques and hot to optimize your personal web site

SEO Report


  • TASK 1: SEO techniques; optimize your personal web site.

Starting with the topics we examined during the lectures as well as the online papers and tools we discussed and used, during the tutorials you are asked to conduct your own reading and research on SEO. More specifically, make sure that you have a clear idea about the purpose of SEO, the most common SEO techniques and how changes in the algorithms used by major search engines (such as Google) could affect SEO practices and their performance. Based on the above you need to employ certain techniques in order to optimize the web site you created.


In order to optimise your personal web site, you must apply the following SEO techniques:

  1. Keywords – conduct keyword research using the appropriate tool(s) and select one primary keyword and related secondary group of keywords (three) for the home page of your website. Optimise the content of the home page with the keywords you identified.
  2. Implement an XML sitemap and upload it on Google Search Console
  3. Internal links – create at least 5 meaningful, different, internal links
  4. Meta-tags / snippets – in your Google site add a description that must appear in the results of a search engine.


You must submit: For A) (keywords)you must submit a report where you explain how you implemented this keywords technique (7 marks). You must clearly state which are your keywords and how you made your decision. Furthermore, you are expected to use the online tools discussed in the lectures and tutorials in order to support your decisions. Finally, you must give examples of how you developed your content of your ‘home page’ around your keywords.

For the other SEO techniques, you implemented (B-D), you must submit, a short report  where you explain: a) the technique in general and how you implemented it.

General remarks for Task 1: Specific answers are expected: an answer such as ‘I used keywords to improve the ranking of my site’ does not gain any marks. You are expected to provide references (e.g. to the tools you used) to support your decisions / actions.