Write about the most common forms of dementia.

Define the following four terms in your own words, citing at least one source: phenomena, concept, preposition, and assumptions.
August 6, 2019
Therapy for Clients with Dementia.
August 6, 2019

Write about the most common forms of dementia.

Question Description

Write a written report on a topic in psychology. You will also be asked to make an oral presentation.

Write about the most common forms of dementia, including Alzheimer and vascular dementia, and discuss the similarities and differences between them in regard to both style and progression of mental decline in each case. Only discuss the top few forms (~3) ANDs provide a detailed description of how the diseases impact the brain and how dementia driven mental decline differs from that normal aging for each.

Please write a written report as per the description and prepare a speech outline to match. Bibliography (Sources) are required.