Write an Exhibition Paper on Food Desert

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June 26, 2019
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June 26, 2019

Write an Exhibition Paper on Food Desert

Write an Exhibition Paper on Food Desert

Food Desert is known as a specific area where the people have low income and limited affordable food. This topic is most important because there are not a lot of food choices in urban communities.  With this being said, the nutrition level is also very low, and the disease level is very high. The ones who are mostly affected are African Americans because those are generally the ones to live in these communities.

The ones who stay in the urban communities only have access to corner stores, local grocery stores, or any other stores of some sort- unless they have a car. Even people with cars would rather eat something good, close, and affordable than to drive further out for something good,healthy, far, and expensive. This situation does have an upside to it. However, there are many bad things to go with it. For starters, the small grocery stores have small dinners that will only last you for one night, and most importantly unhealthy food.