Brain Chemicals and Transmitter Substances

PSY 810 Comparison Matrix
July 7, 2020
Discuss Which Aspect of Biological Anthropology
July 7, 2020

Brain Chemicals and Transmitter Substances

Brain Chemicals and Transmitter Substances
Write a 1- page essay explaining the role that biology plays in the development of mood disorders including ones genetic vulnerability and the effects of different levels of brain chemicals and transmitter substances; define the term endogenous; and discuss the following psychological explanations for mood disorders: a. the psychoanalytic theory of repressed anger; b. the behavioral theory of learned helplessness; c. the cognitive theory that emphasizes self-defeating thinking patterns; and d. the effects of social and environmental stresses. Proper APA formatting is a requirement for all essay assignments. Cite at least three educational sources (one source may include the course textbook) in the essay.
Congruent and Incongruent Individuals
Write a 1- page essay that differentiates between the congruent or fully functioning person and the incongruent person who has either a highly unrealistic self-image and/or a mismatch between the self-image and the ideal self; and explain why being authentic is vital for healthy functioning. Proper APA formatting is a requirement for all essay assignments. Cite at least three educational sources (one source may include the course textbook) in the essay.