Add the appropriate relationships between the existing and new entities and ensure that you have followed the normalization steps through third normal form.

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July 8, 2019
Prepare a SWOT analysis of your leadership strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. List at least 1 leadership competency for S, W, O, and T.
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Add the appropriate relationships between the existing and new entities and ensure that you have followed the normalization steps through third normal form.


Using the feedback you received on your Unit 2 individual project, make any needed updates to your design.
Next, you will be adding to your design. You must determine 2 additional entities that should be added to your design. The entities must have at least 4 attributes each. Your database must be in 3NF.
Add the appropriate relationships between the existing and new entities and ensure that you have followed the normalization steps through third normal form.
In SQL Server Management Studio, create a new database called lastname_IP4.
Build your entities into tables in the new database. These entities must have relationships.
Generate and save the database diagram to ensure that your database matches your design.
Add at least 4 rows of sample data in each table.
Write Select statements that will display all of the data from each of your tables.
Write a Select statement that will use a WHERE clause
Save the SQL Select statements in Notepad file called, lastname_<link is hidden> for example, Doe_<link is hidden> /> Generate your database script file.

What to submit in a zip file:
Database Diagram (Word, PowerPoint, or Visio)
Script file to create database and sample data
Script file with queries (Select statements)

The assignment will also be graded using the criteria provided here.

Part 2 (50 points)

Deliverable length: One .SQL file containing 4 SQL statement

For the following queries, you will use the AdventureWorksLT2012 database.

For each of these statements, add a copy of the SQL SELECT statements that you wrote to a Notepad file.

Display the ProductID, Name, StandardCost, and ListPrice for all rows in the Product table. Use column aliases of “ID”, “Name”, “Cost”, and “List Price”.
Display the CustomerID, full concatenated customer name (with spaces between the names), and Company Name for all customers in the Customer table. Add a column alias to the full customer name column.
Display the first and last names of all customers whose company is Friendly Bike Shop sorted by the customers’ last name.
Create a view that will display the unique Cities, along with the StateProvince and CountryRegion columns from the Address table. Name the view unique_city_vu.
Save the SQL Select statements in Notepad file called, lastname_<link is hidden> for example, Doe_<link is hidden> />
In a zip file, submit the .SQL file with your SELECT statements for grading.

Please submit your assignment.