Constitutional Provisions that Apply to the President.

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Constitutional Provisions that Apply to the President.

Question Description

1. What is a suspect classification? What are the elements of a suspect classification? IHMIE

2. What is the primary purpose of 14th Amendment? Discuss the provisions of section 1 of the 14th Amendment. CPDE

3. Discuss the constitutional provisions that apply to congress.

4. Discuss the constitutional provisions that apply to the president.

5. Discuss the constitutional provisions that apply to the states.

6. Discuss the appellate process from local court decision to the Supreme Court.

7. List the Federal Courts of Appeal Districts by location.

8. Briefly discuss the provisions of the First Amendment.

9. Briefly discuss the Amendments in the Bill of Rights that apply to “criminal procedure”.

10. What is the Bill of Rights? What was the original intent of the Bill of Rights? What is “selective incorporation”.